
Safeguard the wealth of our clients, while generating returns in excess of inflation.

Conservative approach, but assume reasonable risk where appropriate.

Each client is unique. We work closely with each client to ensure that we invest in a manner suited to his or her situation.

Time value of money is the single most important force in investing.

Allocation of capital to different classes of assets accounts for over 90% of long term investment returns. We construct an efficient portfolio, carefully allocating our clients´ capital to financial instruments which meet their objectives in terms of return, risk and correlation.

We diversify our clients´ investments to prevent unnecessary concentration of risk.

We measure our performance over the long term. We believe that a long term investor should be patient and disciplined. We do not judge ourselves based on short term performance, as this could lead to inappropriate actions. We constantly strive to improve our investment selection.

SBS recognizes the importance of developing and committing to an investment philosophy in order to achieve its clients´ investment objectives over their lifetimes. We take seriously the responsibility of managing the wealth of our clients. Our commitment to our investment philosophy enables us to effectively manage our clients’ personal wealth regardless of political and economic circumstances prevailing at any given point in time.

Our investment philosophy provides a solid foundation for the effective allocation of our clients’ capital and flexible decision-making.